Jul 28, 2018

No agreement reached with State in DOC negotiations

Our DOC negotiations team worked late into the night on Friday and early into Saturday morning after a long week in mediation in an effort to reach an agreement with the State over our 2019-2021 collective bargaining agreement.

Jul 16, 2018

DOC Bargaining Update: Union Economics on the Table

This week DOC negotiations shifted to economics as your Union presented its robust and aggressive economic proposal demanding the State recognize the incredible service that correctional employees provide to protect the public.

Jul 16, 2018

DOC Guardian: Staying Strong with Open Shop

Read how DOC bargaining team is fighting to protect workers and moving forward with strength, unity and resolve in negotiations with the State. We will not let the Janus decision divide us because only we decide how strong our union will be.

Jun 22, 2018

Teamsters wear red to protest State’s proposals in DOC negotiations

A sea of red filled the room at our DOC negotiations this week. Members of our union’s bargaining committee were decked out in red T-shirts, red caps, red sweatshirts and blouses. Our team had deliberately coordinated our dress to protest the State’s proposal to restrict our access vacation leave.

May 18, 2018

We decide how strong our union will be

During contract negotiations, we are most effective when we are united. Our unity allows us to achieve higher wages, better working conditions, and a safer workplace for all DOC Teamsters.