This weekend, hundreds of Teamster Shop Stewards from across the state will be gathering in Seattle for our annual Shop Steward Seminar and Appreciation Day.
The theme of this year's Seminar is United for the Future. We'll be discussing our Union's strategic planning process and how we can build strength, unity, and purpose as we confront the many challenges facing organized labor.
The event kicks off on Saturday, March 11 at 7:30 A.M. at the Washington State Convention Center (3rd floor conference center) in downtown Seattle with a full breakfast.
Because so many of our DOC members will be traveling from out of town, they will be gathering the day before the Seminar, on Friday, March 10, at our Union hall for a separate meeting.
On Saturday after breakfast, our Union's Secretary-Treasurer, John Scearcy, will give a State of the Union address. He'll touch on organizing, political action, training and development, and the need to fortify our Union through member involvement.
Former labor organizer Senator Rebecca Saldaña (37th LD) will be this year's keynote speaker. Senator Saldaña has already been dubbed a rising star in Olympia who is able to reach across the aisle to get things done.
The breakout workshops will focus on developing our Union's strategic plan and discussing how to build power in the workplace through member involvement.
All Shop Stewards should have received a letter in the mail with information about the event, including parking and registration. If you are a Shop Steward and did not receive this information, please contact your Union Rep or call the Local at 206-441-4860.
You can also view more information below:
If you are not attending the Seminar, be sure to touch base with your Shop Steward next week for an update or check in at our Union's website and Facebook page for photos and more details.
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