At the end of September, we will be posting for new Shop Stewards on union bulletin boards at all Department of Corrections facilities across the state. Our Shop Stewards play...Read More
The collective strength of our union was on full display on Saturday as hundreds of rank-and-file leaders from across the state gathered together at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle for our annual Shop Steward Seminar and Appreciation Day.
Our annual Shop Steward Seminar and Appreciation Day is slated for this weekend when hundreds of rank-and-file leaders from across our Union will be gathering at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle on Saturday.
In an impressive display of unity and strength, hundreds of rank-and-file leaders of our union assembled together at the Washington State Convention Center in downtown Seattle on Saturday.
It’s an impressive display of Teamster unity and strength – hundreds of Local 117 shop stewards joining together at our annual Shop Steward Seminar and Appreciation day.
It was an impressive show of union power: Hundreds of Teamsters 117 Shop Stewards filling a massive auditorium at the Washington State Convention Center in downtown Seattle.
We'll be welcoming seventy DOC Shop Stewards today for our annual meeting here at the Union hall. The meeting precedes our Shop Steward Seminar at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle tomorrow.
This weekend, hundreds of Teamster Shop Stewards from across the state will be gathering in Seattle for our annual Shop Steward Seminar and Appreciation Day.
It was a show of unity and force this weekend as hundreds of our rank-and-file leaders assembled for our annual Shop Steward and Appreciation Day.
It's a big weekend for Teamsters! Shop Stewards from across our Union and all across the state will be gathering for our annual Shop Steward Seminar and Appreciation Day.