- After a lengthy campaign, our DOC contract was funded in the state's operating budget that was signed by the Governor on June 30. Thank you to all of the members and their families who demanded that the important work of corrections be recognized.
- We will be holding our DOC summer BBQ at MCC on August 14 from 12-4pm at the Al Borlan Park in Monroe. At the event, we’ll be answering questions about our new contract and debriefing the legislative session in Olympia. Please take some time to stop by for some union solidarity and grab a bite to eat!
- Dozens of members participated in an informational picketing action at MCC on June 11 as a part of our contract campaign. Local media covered the event.
- On July 13, your Union filed a grievance to challenge the DOC’s decision to eliminate recruitment and retention pay for members in certain job classifications at the facility. Check the website for ongoing updates on this issue.
- A group of 14 dentists at the DOC voted to join Teamsters 117 in a recent PERC election. Please take a moment to welcome them to the Union!
- On July 20, your Union’s General Counsel Spencer Thal participated in an arbitration over health care surcharges. You can view an update about the case here.
- After a lengthy campaign, our DOC contract was funded in the state's operating budget that was signed by the Governor on June 30. Thank you to all of the members and their families who demanded that the important work of corrections be recognized.
- We will be holding our DOC summer BBQ at WCC on August 10 from 12-4pm in the assembly room at the facility. At the event, we’ll be answering questions about our new contract and debriefing the legislative session in Olympia. Please take some time to stop by for some union solidarity and grab a bite to eat!
- A group of 14 dentists at the DOC voted to join Teamsters 117 in a recent PERC election. Please take a moment to welcome them to the Union!
- After a lengthy campaign, our DOC contract was funded in the state's operating budget that was signed by the Governor on June 30. Thank you to all of the members and their families who demanded that the important work of corrections be recognized.
- We will be holding our DOC summer BBQ at MCCCW on August 14 from 12-4pm in the Ramirez Room. At the event, we’ll be answering questions about our new contract and debriefing the legislative session in Olympia. Please take some time to stop by for some union solidarity and grab a bite to eat!
- A group of 14 dentists at the DOC voted to join Teamsters 117 in a recent PERC election. Please take a moment to welcome them to the Union!
- On July 20, your Union’s General Counsel Spencer Thal participated in an arbitration over health care surcharges. You can view an update about the case here.
- Effective August 15, Brian Earl will be your new Business Representative at LCC. Brian has 17 years’ experience representing union members. Brian can be reached at 1-877-872-3489.
- After a lengthy campaign, our DOC contract was funded in the state's operating budget that was signed by the Governor on June 30. Thank you to all of the members and their families who demanded that the important work of corrections be recognized.
- We will be holding our DOC summer BBQ at LCC on August 18 from 11am – 4pm. At the event, we’ll be answering questions about our new contract and debriefing the legislative session in Olympia. Please take some time to stop by for some union solidarity and grab a bite to eat!
- A group of 14 dentists at the DOC voted to join Teamsters 117 in a recent PERC election. Please take a moment to welcome them to the Union!
- On July 20, your Union’s General Counsel Spencer Thal participated in an arbitration over health care surcharges. You can view an update about the case here.
- After a lengthy campaign, our DOC contract was funded in the state's operating budget that was signed by the Governor on June 30. Thank you to all of the members and their families who demanded that the important work of corrections be recognized.
- We will be holding our DOC summer BBQ at SCCC on August 18 from 12pm – 4pm and 9-10pm in the front parking lot. At the event, we’ll be answering questions about our new contract and debriefing the legislative session in Olympia. Please take some time to stop by for some union solidarity and grab a bite to eat!
- A group of 14 dentists at the DOC voted to join Teamsters 117 in a recent PERC election. Please take a moment to welcome them to the Union!
- On July 20, your Union’s General Counsel Spencer Thal participated in an arbitration over health care surcharges. You can view an update about the case here.
- After a lengthy campaign, our DOC contract was funded in the state's operating budget that was signed by the Governor on June 30. Thank you to all of the members and their families who demanded that the important work of corrections be recognized.
- We will be holding our DOC summer BBQ at CBCC on August 21 from 12pm – 4pm in and 9-10pm in the admin breezeway. At the event, we’ll be answering questions about our new contract and debriefing the legislative session in Olympia. Please take some time to stop by for some union solidarity and grab a bite to eat!
- A group of 14 dentists at the DOC voted to join Teamsters 117 in a recent PERC election. Please take a moment to welcome them to the Union!
- On July 20, your Union’s General Counsel Spencer Thal participated in an arbitration over health care surcharges. You can view an update about the case here.
- After a lengthy campaign, our DOC contract was funded in the state's operating budget that was signed by the Governor on June 30. Thank you to all of the members and their families who demanded that the important work of corrections be recognized.
- We will be holding our DOC summer BBQ at WCCW on August 12 from 12pm – 4pm in the R Building. At the event, we’ll be answering questions about our new contract and debriefing the legislative session in Olympia. Please take some time to stop by for some union solidarity and grab a bite to eat!
- A group of 14 dentists at the DOC voted to join Teamsters 117 in a recent PERC election. Please take a moment to welcome them to the Union!
- On July 20, your Union’s General Counsel Spencer Thal participated in an arbitration over health care surcharges. You can view an update about the case here.
- After a lengthy campaign, our DOC contract was funded in the state's operating budget that was signed by the Governor on June 30. Thank you to all of the members and their families who demanded that the important work of corrections be recognized.
- We will be holding our DOC summer BBQ at OCC on August 20 from 12pm – 4pm and 9-10pm in the front parking lot. At the event, we’ll be answering questions about our new contract and debriefing the legislative session in Olympia. Please take some time to stop by for some union solidarity and grab a bite to eat!
- A group of 14 dentists at the DOC voted to join Teamsters 117 in a recent PERC election. Please take a moment to welcome them to the Union!
- On July 20, your Union’s General Counsel Spencer Thal participated in an arbitration over health care surcharges. You can view an update about the case here.
- After a lengthy campaign, our DOC contract was funded in the state's operating budget that was signed by the Governor on June 30. Thank you to all of the members and their families who demanded that the important work of corrections be recognized.
- We will be holding our DOC summer BBQ at CCCC on August 17 from 12pm – 4pm in T-Line. At the event, we’ll be answering questions about our new contract and debriefing the legislative session in Olympia. Please take some time to stop by for some union solidarity and grab a bite to eat!
- A group of 14 dentists at the DOC voted to join Teamsters 117 in a recent PERC election. Please take a moment to welcome them to the Union!
- On July 20, your Union’s General Counsel Spencer Thal participated in an arbitration over health care surcharges. You can view an update about the case here.