Today is an emotional day for the entire corrections and law enforcement community.
It is the day we remember Jayme Biendl, the MCC correctional officer, who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the service and protection of our communities.
Many years have gone by, but Jayme's candle still shines brightly in the hearts of her family members, friends, co-workers, and fellow Teamsters.
Last weekend, many Local 117 members honored Jayme's life by participating in the annual Jayme Biendl Memorial 5k Walk/Run in Monroe. This is a wonderful way to commemorate Jayme, support her family, and donate to the Behind the Badge Foundation. If you're able, I encourage you to participate next year.
Today is also our DOC Lobby Day. We have over 200 DOC members and their families visiting the State Capitol to speak out in support of staff safety, mental health awareness, and a more dignified retirement for corrections workers. You can view all of our legislative priorities for DOC here.
Earlier today, many of our members gathered to pay tribute to Jayme and all of our State's fallen corrections and law enforcement employees in front of the Law Enforcement Memorial in Olympia:
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