The topics below are intended to reflect only a limited sample of the representational work that is occurring at your facility. If you have questions about specific issues, please talk to your Business Representative.
Your Union has completed the bargaining over the warehouse merge. There will be no changes to scheduling until after December 31. Management has agreed to hold regular LMCCs to involve the Union and employees in any changes they want to implement.
Business Representative Tawny Humbert met with management in a Step 1 grievance meeting on 9/18 over the denial of a member’s CBA day by CI. The grievance was successfully resolved - management agreed to give the member an additional CBA day for the calendar year.
On 10/11, your Union filed a group grievance regarding meal periods for all custody employees at AHCC.
On 10/28, your Union filed a grievance regarding the Department’s incorrect administration of the bid system. The 5 new positions awarded through the legislature were posted for bid and the bids were pulled incorrectly.
Your winter membership meetings will be held at the Holiday Inn Express at the Airport on 11/15. Consult with your union bulletin board for more details.
There will be a training session for all AHCC Shop Stewards on 11/15 in C1 at the facility. Talk to Representative Humbert for more information.
Shop Steward elections have been completed. Check your Union bulletin board for a list of new Shop Stewards.
On 10/14, Business Representative Eydie Dean participated in a LMCC at CRCC regarding 7 additional positions that were added in the budget. There will be 4 new booth positions on 2nd shift in the medium units; the 3rd officer is coming off the floor and into the booth in medium units on 3rd shift; and there will be an additional 3 staff for RDO in SL, AL, and training. Those positions have been posted, bids have been pulled, and they should be up and running on November 1.
From 9/27-10/6, the prison was on lockdown, and Business Rep. Dean was dealing with a variety of issues associated with the lockdown.
On 10/8, Business Rep. Dean went to a Grievance Review Panel at LCC. Your Union successfully resolved four grievances, two that dealt with untimely PDPs. We also successfully removed a memo of counseling and a letter of reprimand from members’ personnel files.
On 10/22, we had an LMCC regarding clarification of the new PREA law. We are waiting for a clarification memo on expectations of women announcing themselves in the prisons at CRCC. The memo is expected soon.
On 10/24, Representative Dean attended a Step 1 meeting in Olympia with Scott Frakes to discuss a termination at CRCC. The Department has 21 days to respond.
Our holiday membership meeting at CRCC will take place on November 12 in the MSC Visitation Room. Shop Steward trainings will also be held on November 12. Check your Union bulletin board for details.
A list of new Shop Stewards will be posted on the Union bulletin boards shortly.
On 10/29, your Union filed a grievance over restoration of leave
Representative Greg Senderhauf is working to resolve an issue involving management improperly requiring justification from members over the number of hours in their sick leave banks.
We conducted recruitment for 19 Shop Steward positions; the election resulted in ties for one position on day shift and one on swing shift; Secretary-Treasurer Thompson authorized 2 new steward positions at WSP for a total of 21; consult your Union bulletin board for a list of new Stewards.
Holiday meetings will be held on 11/13 at the Holiday Inn Express in Walla Walla. Consult your Union bulletin board for details
A training for Shop Stewards will be held on 11/13 from 2pm-5pm in the Command Center near West Complex Public Access.
On 10/26, WSP held its Fall Family Festival. Rep Senderhauf participated along with several Shop Stewards, who helped run games for the children. Approximately 400 people attended. The Union provided treats and prizes for the kids.
Representative Senderhauf met with management in LMCCs on 10/1 regarding east complex custody officers and on 10/22 regarding close custody classification counselors; as a result of the 10/? meeting, metal detectors were reinstalled in the east complex kitchen and in east complex movement control.