Yesterday, Arbitrator Paul Roose issued his interest arbitration award to address unresolved compensation and language issues in our 2025-2027 Department of Corrections contract.


In economic terms, the Arbitrator’s award is far better than the State’s Last, Best, and Final proposal, which was a 2% general wage increase for the coming biennium. Instead, the Arbitrator's award calls for a general wage increase for all DOC Teamsters of 4% effective July 1, 2025 and of 4% effective July 1, 2026.


The Arbitrator has also set aside an additional funding pool, equaling 2% in each year of the biennium, for classification-specific increases. He has directed the Union and State to resume negotiations, starting in January 2025, over how that funding will be allocated.

If we are unable to reach an agreement with the State over targeted range increases for specific classifications, the default will be additional across-the-board increases for the entire bargaining unit.

The Arbitrator has also awarded the following:

  • An increase to standby pay for overtime exempt employees in health services from $100 to $175;
  • An increase in standby pay for all other overtime exempt employees from $50 to $75;
  • The adoption of the State’s Appendix I proposal, which allows contract nurses to sign up for voluntary overtime shifts at the same time as bargaining unit nurses.


Looking ahead, we will work with the State to schedule dates to negotiate over the additional funding pool as directed by the Arbitrator. Our rank-and-file Union Negotiations Committee will be a part of those negotiations. As soon as we have dates on the calendar, we will let you know.

In the meantime, the Office of Financial Management will analyze the Arbitrator's award to determine if it is financially feasible. If determined feasible by OFM, the award will be included in the Governor’s 2025-2027 operating budget. At that point, we will still need to secure funding of the award by the Legislature during the 2025 legislative session.

To get the award funded, we need to have a strong showing at our 2025 DOC Lobby Day. This is especially important given that the State’s revenue forecasts are projected to decrease in the months ahead. We will be sending more information about that event soon. 

Thank you to everyone who worked tirelessly throughout contract negotiations. Our Union Negotiations Committee, in particular, deserves enormous praise for their hard work and commitment.

You can read the full Arbitrator’s award here.

Please contact your Union Representative if you have questions.