Workers at SeaTac's Extra Car Parking picketed the company today over retaliation and lost wages.
View photos from today's action here.
The workers, who were joined by community activists and members of Teamsters 117, were fired after they asked Extra Park to comply with SeaTac Proposition 1 and pay them $15/hr, paid sick days, and other benefits approved by SeaTac voters last year.
Wayne Armstrong was the first employee to be fired after filing the complaint. He and other employees are paid $10.32/hour despite the fact that Extra Car Parking has more than 100 parking spaces (it has 5 lots throughout SeaTac) and employs more than 25 non-managerial employees (estimated more than 40). Those are the two thresholds set by Prop 1 for businesses.
Competitor employers, like MasterPark, are complying with Prop 1 and have not laid off any employees.
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