We wanted to inform you of significant developments that will postpone the vote on your DOC contract.
Your Union has filed an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) charge with the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) alleging that DOC violated State labor law during negotiations by engaging in bad-faith bargaining.
PERC has issued a preliminary ruling agreeing to consider the charges and will be scheduling the case for continued processing.
As a result, our previously scheduled DOC contract vote and the subsequent interest arbitration hearing have been POSTPONED until PERC has an opportunity to resolve the charge.
In the meantime, all economic and language components of our DOC contract will remain unchanged or “status quo”.
To further explain these developments, we will be moving forward with our Contract Update Meetings on August 19 and 27. We will also be holding additional meetings on August 31.
Please register to attend one of meetings on our website here.
Once again, our DOC contract vote has been postponed due to the State's alleged violation of the law. We will inform you as soon as the vote is rescheduled.
If you have questions, please reach out to your Union Representative or negotiation committee member.
You can watch an update for the Negotiations Committee here:
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