As we approach the 2021 legislative session in Olympia, we need your help in establishing priorities that will best serve the needs of Local 117 members moving forward.

Please provide your input by completing our Legislative Survey by clicking the link below. Make sure your voice is heard! 


Thanks to an active membership, our Union has achieved a number of significant victories in the Legislature over the past five years.

Our victories have included passing Paid Sick & Family Leave programs for all workers in Washington State, securing interest arbitration rights for our DOC and campus police members, protecting public sector workers’ privacy from public disclosure, beating back anti-worker attacks, and stopping companies from undercutting protections for injured workers.

These efforts would not have been possible without an engaged and politically active membership. Your feedback in surveys like this one and participation at our lobby days have made Teamsters 117 a powerful voice for working families in Olympia.

Please take a few minutes to complete our online Legislative Survey. Your input is valuable and will help shape our priorities for the coming year.