Our South Sound Newsletter - New Issue!
The new issue of our Teamsters South Sound newsletter is now available. In this issue, you'll find a member's take on recent threats to labor, including a Supreme Court case that could weaken your ability to stand together for family wages and better benefits and working conditions.
Teamsters 117 Joins March in Honoring Dr. King
Members of Teamsters Local 117 joined the annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. event in Seattle on Saturday.
Join us in honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
MLK was not only an iconic leader in our country's struggle for Civil Rights, he also cared deeply about working families and spoke out against the challenges facing labor.
Local 117 Member Talks about Getting Committed Given Friedrichs and other Attacks
This week, the Supreme Court heard oral argument in a case - Friedrichs v. the California Teachers Association - that could have sweeping implications for working families in Washington and across this country.
South Sound Leaders Meet to Promote Family, Strength and Community
Family, strength, community - those are our values as union members. Teamsters in our South Sound shops met on Saturday in Tacoma to talk about how to promote those values through interviews with every single member.
South Sound Leadership Summit - Join Us!
South Sound Leadership Summit - Register Here!
Holiday Membership Meeting - Video & Photos Here!
Last night was our annual Holiday Meeting extravaganza, with hundreds of members from all across our union coming together for solidarity and our raffle drawing.
KC Coalition Update - Paid Parental Leave
King County Teamsters Make Every Voice Count
Teamster Shop Stewards and other leaders at King County interviewed their fellow members on Thursday as a part of our Every Voice Counts project.
At Labor Summit, Members Develop a Plan to Win
Labor Summit Participants Develop a Plan to Win
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