We've got some exciting news! At our March General Membership Meeting, members voted to expand the number of membership meetings our Union holds every year.

This means that, for the remainder of the year, you'll be able to attend meetings in April, May, September, October, November, and December. We'll be taking a break during the summer months of June, July, and August.

You're invited to attend this month's meeting, which will be held on April 15, 2021 at 7pm online using Zoom.

Register Here!

Starting next year, meetings will be held 9 times annually, with a break in the summer months. This new schedule replaces the old format of quarterly meetings.

The idea to bump up the number of meetings came out of our strategic plan. Our Union's leadership wanted to provide more opportunities for sharing information, training, and membership engagement. 

The goal is to make it easier for more members to participate in the activities of the Union. Hope to see you this Thursday!