As you are aware through recent updates, we’ve been working to prevent the release of your private information from an anti-union organization, the so-called “Freedom” Foundation.
Within the last several months, we’ve been successful when the judge ruled for an injunction on the release of your information. However, we were recently made aware that the judge has decided to partially release your information. See the judge's ruling here.
Your DOC work email address and first and last name will be released.
This means you can expect the “Freedom” Foundation to contact you through your work email address. To stop the Freedom Foundation from contacting you, click here.
In trying to contact you, we believe the Freedom Foundation is violating DOC email policy and state law because this group’s purpose is to harm your union. They may try to persuade you to abandon your union membership. They may try to convince you that you still get benefits and you don’t need to pay dues. The truth is organizations like this do not care about your paycheck, the work you do, or you or your family’s well-being. They are politically driven, funded by wealthy, special interest groups, and have worked in the past to take away collective bargaining rights from union members.
Our strength is in our ability to push for improvements collectively as a union. By sticking together, warning our co-workers to not be misled by groups like this, and continuing to push for strong contracts, we can improve our lives.
We are in the process of holding contract update meetings to discuss raising wages, increasing vacation and leave time and making improvements in our jobs. Now is the time to not be distracted by misleading outside groups, but to stand strong to get the best contract we can and continue pushing to improve standards in our workplaces.
Tell the “Freedom” Foundation you do not want them to contact you.
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