
Our Coalition of Unions has achieved a tentative agreement with the State on your health care benefits for the 2019-2021 biennium.

The agreement maintains the status quo on your premium share from the previous biennium. Your employer will continue to contribute 85% of the total weighted average of the premium, while members will contribute 15%. The agreement also provides some relief for those making less than $50,004 per year in the form of a flexible spending account (FSA) paid for by the employer. You can view the details here.

Our Coalition of State Employee Unions recommends that you vote yes. You can vote online here. 

We will be conducting a vote by Internet/Telephone for all state employee bargaining units covered under the agreement. Voting is being conducted two ways:  (1) by telephone or (2) through the internet.  You may only vote by one (1) method. The telephonic and online internet polls open at 8:00 AM on Tuesday, September 18, 2018, and close at 5:00 PM on Friday, September 28, 2018.

To Vote By Phone:      

  1. Dial:  1-888-349-7030
  2. Enter your PIN (Department of Corrections members use your Employee ID Number, for all other members use your Teamsters 117 member ID Number).

To Vote By Internet:    

  1. Go to:
  2. Enter your PIN (Department of Corrections members use your Employee ID Number, for all other members use your Teamsters 117 member ID Number).

If you cannot find your Department of Corrections Employee ID number or Teamsters 117 member ID Number, please contact the office at 1-888-872-3489 between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Only active members have the right to vote.  Religious objectors and non-members are not eligible to vote. If you have questions about this vote and the changes proposed, please talk to your Local Union Representative.