
Working families suffered some disappointing outcomes last night with the loss of majorities in both the Washington State and the US Senate.  Voter apathy in Washington (we aren’t likely to break 50% here) and across the country have caused working family supporters to bear the brunt of the losses.

If there is one takeaway from this election, it is that people who care about building an economy that works for all of us - not just the wealthy - need to turn out and vote.

Amid the bad news, there were some surprises/silver linings: 

  • Teamster-endorsed Pam Roach (R) leads Cathy Dahlquist (52% to 47%) and will likely be a critical vote in a Republican controlled Senate 
  • Roger Freeman’s (D) likely win (53% to Jack Dovey 46%) will mean a Democratic PCO appointment in the 30th LD (likely Shari Song)
  • We retain Senator Steve Hobbs (D) in the 44th 56% to 43%
  • Teamster-endorsed Tom Dent (R) leads Dani Bolyard (R) 63% to 36% in LD 13
  • On the federal level, Susan DelBene, Derek Kilmer, Jim McDermott, Adam Smith and Denny Heck were safely reelected 
  • Seattle Metro’s Prop 1 passed by a wide margin at 58% to 41%
  • Dan Newhouse is leading Clint Dider 51% to 48% in CD 4

Thank you to all of the Teamsters who worked so hard during this election by participating in our countless phonebanks and canvassing activities.   We will be calling on your support again two years from now when the climate will look much different, and perhaps more favorable, to working families, as the presidential election approaches.

In the meantime, Teamsters will now need to devote time and energy to educating our new legislators in the state of Washington about the important work that we do on behalf of working families.  

Contact Teamsters 117 Political Coordinator Dustin Lambro at 206-441-4860 ext. 1262 to see how you can get involved.