The topics below are intended to reflect only a limited sample of the representational work that is occurring at your facility. If you have questions about specific issues, please talk to your Business Representative.
After a lengthy campaign, our DOC contract was funded in the state's operating budget that was signed by the Governor on June 30. Thank you to all of the members and their families who demanded that the important work of corrections be recognized.
We will be holding our DOC summer BBQ at AHCC on August 11 from 10-4pm at the AHCC main campus. At the event, we’ll be answering questions about our new contract and debriefing the legislative session in Olympia. Please take some time to stop by for some union solidarity and grab a bite to eat!
On July 21, we held a grievance panel meeting at AHCC; Representative Humbert and the facilities’ Shop Stewards have been working to resolve many issues informally.
Business Representative Humbert is planning to meet with Shop Stewards after the summer BBQ at AHCC, most likely at the end of August.
On July 20, your Union’s General Counsel Spencer Thal participated in an arbitration over health care surcharges. You can view an update about the case here.
After a lengthy campaign, our DOC contract was funded in the state's operating budget that was signed by the Governor on June 30. Thank you to all of the members and their families who demanded that the important work of corrections be recognized.
We will be holding our DOC summer BBQ at CRCC on August 12 from 10-4pm at the MSU Old Training Center. At the event, we’ll be answering questions about our new contract and debriefing the legislative session in Olympia. Please take some time to stop by for some union solidarity and grab a bite to eat!
On August 20, we will hold an LMCC to focus on issues involving members in health services.
We are in the process of scheduling an LMCC for CI kitchen staff at WSP and CRCC; we anticipate that the meeting will be held before the end of August.
On July 13, your Union filed a grievance to challenge the DOC’s decision to eliminate recruitment and retention pay for members in certain job classifications. Check the website for ongoing updates on the issue.
On July 20, your Union’s General Counsel Spencer Thal participated in an arbitration over health care surcharges. You can view an update about the case here.
After a lengthy campaign, our DOC contract was funded in the state's operating budget that was signed by the Governor on June 30. Thank you to all of the members and their families who demanded that the important work of corrections be recognized.
Dozens of members participated in an informational picketing action at WSP on June 11 as a part of our contract campaign. Secretary-Treasurer John Scearcy was in attendance and local media covered the event.
We will be holding our DOC summer BBQ at WSP on August 13 from 10-4pm in Pioneer Park. At the event, we’ll be answering questions about our new contract and debriefing the legislative session in Olympia. Please take some time to stop by for some union solidarity and grab a bite to eat!
On June 29, Business Representative Dean gave a presentation about the Union at CORE.
On June 25, Representative Dean met with the associate superintendent at WSP to discuss CC2 and CC3 overtime issues; the issues were not resolved and a grievance filed in an attempt to resolve the matter.
We are in the process of scheduling an LMCC for CI kitchen staff at WSP and CRCC; we anticipate that the meeting will be held before the end of August.
On July 13, your Union filed a grievance to challenge the DOC’s decision to eliminate recruitment and retention pay for members in certain job classifications. Check the website for ongoing updates on the issue.
There are 10 investigations that are currently ongoing at WSP; we are actively representing the members who are under investigation.
On July 20, your Union’s General Counsel Spencer Thal participated in an arbitration over health care surcharges. You can view an update about the case here.