As you may know, last week Governor Inslee announced that he is rescinding the vaccine mandate as a condition of employment for State employees. 

With the end of Governor's mandate, we are proposing removing the requirement that DOC members get vaccinated from our collective bargaining agreement. This will give the opportunity for experienced corrections employees who left State service due to the vaccine mandate to return to the DOC.

This change requires a vote of the membership to delete language from Article 13 of our contract.

It is important to understand that, no matter the outcome of this vote, the booster bonus of $1000 for members who choose to get an approved COVID-19 booster will remain in place in the contract and can be found in Article 32.  


Voting on the proposed changes to Article 13 will be administered through ElectionBuddy. 

You will receive an email on Tuesday, May 23 at 0600 with a link to your authenticated ballot as well as a text message to the mobile number that we have on file at the Union.

  • If you need to update your personal information, please click here.

You will be able to view the changes to Article 13 when you open your ElectionBuddy ballot. This ballot will expire on Thursday, May 25 at midnight. Make sure you vote between Tuesday, May 23 at 0600 ending Thursday, May 25 at midnight.

Please reach out to your Union Representative if you have questions.