The Office of Financial Management (OFM) issued a statement today certifying our DOC Interest Arbitration Award as financially feasible.
This is great news, but it is only one small step in a long process.
While it almost assures that our Award will be included in the Governor's budget, it will still take a monumental effort for us to get our contract funded.
Senator Braun, the incoming Chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, does not want to make funding our contract a priority.
If the Senate has its way, DOC staff will not receive the at least 10.5 percent raise that we achieved in arbitration.
That's why it's incredibly important for us to show up for our Legislative Reception and Lobby Day in Olympia. We need to tell legislators in person about the critical public safety work we do.
Our DOC Lobby Day is February 13-14 in Olympia. On February 13, we're hosting the Legislative Reception at the RL Hotel. We'll have a short training on February 14, then head over to the Capitol for our lobby visits.
Will you join us? You can register for lobby day here.
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