Your Union bargaining committee met again with the State for DOC contract negotiations on June 4 and 5 at the Teamsters Union hall in Tukwila. Since negotiations began in April, your Union has met with the State a total of six times, on April 23 and 24, May 13 and 14, and June 4 and 5. Additional bargaining is tentatively scheduled for June 25 and 26, and July 8 and 9.
On the first day of bargaining, back in April, your Union team presented its complete non-economic proposal to the State. Our proposal was based on your feedback in contract surveys and at demands meetings. On May 13 and 14, the State presented its initial non-economic proposal, and responded to our proposal. In those initial sessions, we were able to make some good progress with respect to non-economic issues, and we tentatively agreed to several Articles of the contract.
On June 4 and 5, progress was slower. Your Union bargaining committee worked hard to reach a tentative agreement over non-economic issues, but the State introduced new language proposals that would adversely impact your rights as Union members with respect to the current bid system and sick leave. The Union rejected those proposals outright. The State needs to understand that your Union is interested in strengthening, not eroding, your contractual rights.
As bargaining progresses, we anticipate the following calendar. Please note that the timeline below is tentative and subject to change:
- June 25 and 26 – Contract Negotiations in Olympia: On June 4, your Union provided the State with an economic proposal. The State must respond to that proposal not later than June 26 per our negotiated ground rules.
- July 8 and 9 – Contract Negotiations in Tukwila: We expect that the focus of these sessions will be largely on economic aspects of your contract.
- Late July/Early August – Contract Vote: You will have the opportunity to vote on a contract proposal sometime towards the end of July or the beginning of August. As we get closer to the contract vote, we will be sending out a mailing to every member of the bargaining unit with detailed voting instructions. The complete contract proposal with red-lined changes will be available at
- Late August – Interest Arbitration Hearing (if necessary): If the State’s final proposal is unacceptable to the membership, there will be an interest arbitration hearing in the last two weeks of August. Your Union’s legal team is hard at work preparing for the hearing. Howell Lankford will be our Interest Arbitrator. For more information about the interest arbitration process, click here.
Your Union bargaining team is led by Secretary-Treasurer Tracey Thompson, General Counsel Spencer Thal, Associate General Counsel Daniel Swedlow, and Director of Corrections & Law Enforcement Michelle Woodrow. Your team consists of all DOC Business Representatives as well as the following rank-and-file members:
Sandra Conner (AHCC, ARNP)
Amber Bates (CBCC, CC2)
Joschue Reyes (CBCC, CO2)
Jessica Anderson (CCCC, AA3)
Levi Dean (CRCC, CO2)
Corey McCloud (CRCC, MM4)
Doug Beatty (MCC, CO2)
Shane Zey (MCC, CO2)
James Palmer (MCC, CO3)
Pam Olekas (OCC, Corr. Records Supervisor)
Ronnie Matsen (SCCC, CO3)
Sally Thiessen (SCCC, CIS2)
Eric Smith (WCC, CO3)
TalisaBoad (WCCW, CO2)
Paul Moore (WSP, RN2)
Eric Burt (WSP, CC2)
Justin Riley (WSP, CO2)
Thank you to the bargaining committee for your hard work and to all DOC members for your service to our communities. If you have any questions, please talk to your Shop Steward or your Business Representative. Be sure to check your Union’s website at for updates.
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