John Scearcy (l) and Michelle Woodrow (r) at the IBT Convention in 2016. This year's event will be held entirely online.
Our Union's Secretary-Treasurer, John Scearcy, will be bringing a powerful team of 42 Teamsters to the 2021 Convention of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) this June.
The group of 21 delegates and 21 alternates were nominated by white ballot, without opposition, at a virtual Union meeting run by Local 117 General Counsel Tracey Thompson on Friday.
The team is comprised of Local 117 members from a wide variety of industries and geographical locations. Many Shop Stewards and other member leaders will be part of our delegation.
“This is a diverse and dynamic group that will provide outstanding representation for the membership as a whole,” Secretary-Treasurer Scearcy said.
“The Convention is an excellent opportunity for us to connect with Teamsters from across the country and to showcase our member leaders and the innovative work of our Local Union. With such a large, powerful delegation, the IBT will definitely know that Local 117 is in the house.”
The IBT Convention takes place every five years and is usually held in Las Vegas. Due to the pandemic, the 2021 Convention will be conducted entirely online. At the event, delegates debate and vote on operations and governance of our Union and nominate leaders for our International Union’s Executive Board.
With the current General President James P. Hoffa stepping down after 20 years of leadership, this year's Convention will be an exciting opportunity to learn more about our Teamster leaders of the future.
As we get closer to the Convention and during the event itself, we will be posting regular updates on the agenda, keynote speakers, work of committees, and other important issues. Stay tuned!
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