Arbitrator James Dworkin has issued his interest arbitration award that addresses unresolved compensation and language issues in our 2023-2025 collective bargaining agreement.
In economic terms, our Union's fight to achieve interest arbitration rights has paid off again. Over the two year biennium, DOC Teamsters will see a general wage increase of 10% as compared to a 7% increase for general government employees.
The Arbitrator's award calls for a general wage increase for all DOC Teamsters of 6% effective July 1, 2023 and of 4% effective July 1, 2024 as well as a one-time bonus of $1500 effective July 1, 2023.
The Arbitrator has also awarded range increases for more than 40 classifications. You can view the classifications slated for range increases in Appendix G here
In addition, the Arbitrator has called for the following compensation improvements:
- Certified instructors will receive an additional $15/hr for every hour engaged in giving instruction or receiving initial and recertification training;
- Nurses assigned or who volunteer as mentors will receive mentor premium pay of an additional two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per hour;
- DIMT members will now be eligible for specialty team premium pay;
- Correctional sergeants who volunteer or are designated as COFTP Training Sergeants will receive an additional 3% during their COFTP assignment;
- Preservation of premium pay for BFOQ positions;
- No limit on the reimbursement for CDL certification for employees who successfully bid into a chain bus position.
In terms of working conditions, the Arbitrator has awarded:
- The ability for the Union to grieve the approval, modification or termination of a telework agreement;
- The maintenance of Article 16 (sick leave continues to be defined as hours worked for overtime purposes);
- New language providing rest/meal periods for employees required to wear full PPE.
We were able to fend off most of your employer’s proposed takeaways. For example, the Arbitrator denied both the Employer’s proposal to reduce the number of mandatory overtime exemptions from three to one and the Employer’s proposal to not allow staff to be paid in compensatory time for voluntary overtime. Unfortunately, as it goes in any arbitration, the Arbitrator awarded some employer proposals that we opposed. These include:
- Cutting compensatory time accruals from 480 hours to 240 hours for custody staff and from 240 to 160 for non-custody staff;
- Converting the Special Offender Unit at the Monroe Correctional Complex to a specialized unit.
The Office of Financial Management will analyze the Arbitrator's award to determine if it is financially feasible. If feasible, the award will be included in the Governor’s budget. At that point, the Legislature will decide whether to fund our contract.
We'll need to stand together to fight for a fully-funded contract based on the Arbitrator's award. Please join us for our DOC Lobby Day on February 8-9 to speak with legislators about funding our contract. We will be sending more information about how to register for that event soon.
Thank you to everyone who worked tirelessly throughout the contract negotiations process. Our bargaining committee, in particular, deserves enormous praise for their fortitude, hard work, and professionalism.
You can view the Arbitrator's complete award here. If you have any questions, please contact your Union Representative.
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