
Members on our Local Union Election Committee prepare for the vote count while Arbitrator Vivenzio (far left) observes. 

It’s Election Day here at our Local Union, and the vote count is officially underway.  

Over the last four weeks, members have had the opportunity to cast their ballots for the seven officers who will serve on our Teamsters 117 Executive Board over the next three years.

These positions are our Union’s Secretary-Treasurer, President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, and three Trustees.

Two complete slates were nominated for those positions at our General Membership Meeting on September 15, and ballots were mailed out to all members on September 23.

The deadline for receiving ballots has now passed, and votes will be tallied throughout the day.  We expect to be able to announce the results sometime this evening.

Our Union has put measures in place to ensure transparency and fairness throughout the process. We have hired Huebner, Dooley & McGinness, an independent accounting firm to manage all aspects of the election including the ballot count. 

After the nominations meeting, an election committee consisting of an equal number of rank-and-file members representing both sides was established. The committee members will be counting the votes today and verifying the election results.

The results will be certified by Anthony Vivenzio, an independent arbitrator, who we have hired to ensure that the election is conducted fairly.

"The process here is a testament to the organization's respect for the democratic process."

Arbitrator Vivenzio has assisted many other unions with their internal elections. He has been impressed by Teamsters 117. "The process here is a testament to the organization's respect for the democratic process," he said.

The arbitrator is at our Union hall now and will remain for the entire day.

Today’s vote count is open to all members of Teamsters 117 who would like to come down to the Local to observe. As soon as the results are available, we will announce them on our website.

Thanks to all of you who cast your ballot during this election and participated in our Union’s democratic process. Your vote is your voice.