The City and Joint Labor have been meeting on a weekly basis to negotiate the entire Joint Labor Agreement. Health care benefits continue to be the primary issue, although the employer is bringing many language items to modify the entire agreement.
Our interest is protecting the integrity of the current health care plans and the other benefits as outlined in the Joint Labor agreement, such as longevity pay and vacation time.
We thank you for your patience, perseverance and solidarity as we continue to fight on your behalf.
Tacoma Joint Labor Committee:
- Alice Phillips, Chair, IBEW 483
- Matt Frank, Vice-Chair, Tacoma Firefighters IAFF, Local 31
- Jeff Clark, Secretary-Treasurer for Tacoma Joint Labor, Teamsters 117
- Roberta Burnett, IBEW 483
- Terra Ament, Teamsters 313
- Adrienne Thompson, PTE Local 17
- Dylan Carlson, AFSCME Local 120
- Bobby Joe Murray, Machinist 160
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