Good news from Olympia! Our PSERS bill (HB 1718), which would expand the Public Safety Employees' Retirement System to include DOC nurses, passed out of the House Appropriations Committee last night and has moved on to Rules.
This is an important step for the bill because it means that any day now the bill can be pulled from Rules for a final vote on the House floor.
With last night's executive action, the bill has an excellent chance of passing out of the House. As expected, the challenge moving forward will be in the Senate.
To advance the bill in the Senate, we will all need to work together to urge our Senators to support the bill. I will let you know when the time comes to take action.
In the meantime, we are looking for members who would be directly impacted by the bill to tell their stories.
If you are a DOC nurse and can talk about dangerous incidents that you have faced at work or how a more secure retirement would help you and your family, please contact Political Coordinator Dustin Lambro at 1-888-872-3489 ext 1262 or send Dustin an email at [email protected].
Thanks for your service and stay safe!
Michelle Woodrow
Director of Corrections & Law Enforcement
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