We are in the process of preparing for collective bargaining over your successor labor agreement and for the first time we will have interest arbitration available to resolve any issues in negotiations that we cannot reach agreement on with the State/DOC. Our negotiations with the State begin in April and we have scheduled the arbitration for the last two weeks of August, 2014. We anticipate that we will need to present evidence to the arbitrator regarding the extent to which State compensation is deficient to comparable jurisdictions.
As we prepare for the hearing, we will be compiling data from other jurisdictions and developing evidence regarding the impact that the deficient pay scale has on recruitment, retention and promotion.
Your participation in the bargaining process is critical to achieving a strong contract that is acceptable to you.
You will be represented at the bargaining table by a committee consisting of elected shop stewards from different facilities and classifications, and DOC business representatives. Your Union's Secretary-Treasurer Tracey A. Thompson will serve as the lead negotiator on behalf of the Union. We want to ensure that we fully understand your priorities. So, we are seeking your input in two ways.
First, we have mailed out Contract Negotiations Surveys to all DOC Teamsters in the State. The questions in the Survey are based on concerns that have been raised by some DOC members. We need to know the importance that you place on these issues. Please complete the Survey, bring it to your institution, and deposit it in the designated box. If you’re unsure where to drop your Survey, please ask one of your shop stewards or your business representative.
In addition to the Surveys, we will also be conducting “demands” meetings across the State. These meetings give you a chance to speak about your ideas for contract changes and they allow your Union to ask questions of you so that we fully understand your priorities.
- CCCC Demands Meetings - Friday, January 31, 2014
- MCC Demands Meetings - Wednesday, February 5, 2014
- AHCC Demands Meetings - Thursday, February 6, 2014
- MCCCW Demands Meetings - Friday, February 7, 2014
- WSP Demands Meetings - Tuesday, February 11, 2014
- OCC Demands Meetings - Tuesday, February 11, 2014
- CRCC Demands Meetings - Thursday, February 13, 2014
- CBCC Demands Meetings - Thursday, February 13, 2014
- LCC Demands Meetings - Tuesday, February 18, 2014
- SCCC Demands Meetings - Wednesday, February 19, 2014
- WCC Demands Meetings - Friday, February 21, 2014
- WCCW Demands Meetings - Tuesday, February 25, 2014
For exact times and locations at your facility, check the website calendar of events.
Please participate in the collective bargaining process to ensure that we negotiate a contract that addresses your needs and concerns.
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