The following email was sent yesterday on behalf of Patti Cole-Tindall, King County Director of Labor Relations, to the King County Coalition of Unions in regards to the lump sum payment for coalition members:

Dear Union Representatives,

This is to confirm that the lump sum coalition participation premium payment will be included in regular pay checks for eligible King County employees on December 18th for bi-weekly paid employees and December 19th pay for semi-monthly paid employees. The payment dates are based on the date the agreement will become law, which is December 5, 2014.

The payment will be listed on the employee’s pay stub as “LumpSumPay” and it will be booked to 51110 Employee Regular Salary account. The money is not reportable to the Department of Retirement Systems and so there will not be a retirement deduction for PERS. For income tax, it will be taxed at the supplemental rate of 25%.

The payment will be distributed to all eligible employees, including represented temporary employees and those employees who meet the eligibility criteria, but who are no longer working at the County.

Please contact the labor negotiator assigned to your contract should you have any questions about this payment.

Thank you,


If you have any questions, please contact your Business Representative.

Matthew House

About Matthew House

Representing: UWPD, POS, Gig Harbor PD, Redmond PD, City of Pacific, Town of Steilacoom, Brier, Issaquah PD, Federal Way PD, SCORE