Governor Inslee announced on Thursday, June 27 that the State Legislature had arrived at a deal on the operating budget for the next biennium. The agreement includes increased funding to the DOC by $3.5 million.
The funding, in part, will be used to increase staffing levels for specific shifts in minimum and medium security units. This, in itself, represents a significant victory and a testament to your involvement in the process and the tremendous work of Local 117 Lobbyist Teresita Torres during legislative session.
The Governor's office issued the following statement on the agreement:
“I am happy and I know we are all relieved to report to you that lawmakers have reached agreement on an operating budget for the next biennium.
“This allows us to avert a government shutdown on Monday.
“Legislative leaders tell me they will move as quickly as possible to pass the budget and get it to me for my signature.
“They say that can be done by 5 pm Friday.
“However, the deal reached today makes it clear that state government will continue to operate.
“We will be notifying state employees to report to work Monday, July 1.
“Government operations will not be interrupted. All government functions will be in operation Monday.
“Washington will be at work Monday.”
Thank you to all Local 117 members for your phone calls and emails to legislators urging them to avoid a shutdown! Your work made all the difference!
View more news on the budget deal in the Seattle Times.
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