Pam Bell in the Payroll Department at King County has distributed the following email regarding King County members who are eligible for the $500 lump sum payment under the recently ratified COLA agreement:
Several of you have let us know that you have questions about the upcoming Lump Sum Coalition payment to employees covered by the MOU. Here is some payroll information that may be helpful for you to respond to questions from the impacted employees at your department or agency.
Employee eligibility to receive this payment:
- Active employee on 6/27/14 (HR status – Active, Paid LOA, Unpaid LOA)
- In a position represented by one of the unions listed in the chart below
- Temps: STT and TLTs will receive this payment Employees eligible as listed above, but are now retired, terminated, or deceased will receive the payment.
- Employees eligible as listed above but have since changed positions will receive the payment
The processing of the payment will be handled jointly by the Business Resource Center (BRC) and Payroll Operations teams.
The lump sum amount will be:
- Labeled as “LumpSumPay” on the employees’ check stub.
- Taxed for income tax at the supplemental tax rate of 25%.
- Not PERS eligible. This means that the lump sum pay amount will not be reported to PERS and no PERS deductions will occur.
- Booked to the 51110 Employee Regular Salary account.
- Included in the December 18th pay for bi-weekly paid employees and with the December 19th pay for semi-monthly paid employees. The payment date is based on the date the agreement will become law which is December 5th.
If you have questions, please talk to your Shop Steward or Business Representative.
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