Teamsters Local 117 members at the Renton Roads Maintenence Facility attend an Every Voice Counts event
Local 117 Members at King County are Coming Together to Build a Stronger Union
From the King Street Center in downtown Seattle to the Roads Maintenance shop in Fall City, Local 117 members at King County have been building member power.
Teamsters across King County are meeting as part of our Every Voice Counts project. This project builds strength through member engagement.
At these gatherings, small groups of members talk about workplace issues and discuss solutions.
We also discuss the ongoing attacks on public sector union members from groups such as the Freedom Foundation and the dangers posed by "Right-to-Work" laws.
This project was developed last winter to connect with each of our public sector members through a one-on-one conversation. These conversations are an opportunity for members to engage each other about ways to build a better workplace and a stronger union.
At these meetings, members have been signing commitment cards to pledge their support for each other. These cards are a way to commit to working with your union and co-workers to build a stronger workplace.
"It's important to have union representation because of the political environment we're facing," said Lisa Longdon, a Senior Human Resources Analyst and Shop Steward from the King County Professional and Technical group. "There needs to be a voice for the people, which is the union."
Members are also receiving the latest update from the ongoing total compensation negotiations. They have the ability to ask questions and talk about strategies to ensure a strong labor agreement.
So far, more than one hundred King County Teamsters have participated in the project. We have several more events scheduled around the county. For an updated list of events, visit
If you are interested in setting up an Every Voice Counts event, talk to your Shop Steward or contact Karen Estevenin at 206-441-4860 ext. 1244.
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