Teamsters Local 117 stands in solidarity with nearly 8,000 Swedish Medical Center workers who began a three-day unfair labor practices strike Tuesday morning. The workers are members of SEIU Local 1199NW.
On Thursday, January 16, in Austin, Texas, a delegation of Oxfam, Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) and Teamsters Union representatives joined forces, demanding Whole Foods take real steps to clean up abusive labor practices in its food supply chain.
This is an exciting time for workers in the gaming industry in Washington State. Teamsters 117, one of the most powerful and respected unions in the Pacific Northwest, has been certified to represent you in contract negotiations with your employer.
Fighting to protect our contracts in the grocery industry.
More than 1,700 card room workers employed by Maverick Gaming have chosen Teamsters Local 117.
Teamsters Local 117 has achieved a significant victory in the fight to bring workers in the gig economy a voice on the job.
Seattle Uber and Lyft drivers celebrated the passage of Mayor Jenny Durkan’s ‘Fare Share’ plan by the City Council today, calling it an historic victory that will provide long-sought labor protections and lead to higher pay for the City’s 30,000 ride-hail drivers.