Local 117 elections workers shooting for 90% turnout
As the coronavirus crisis has touched all of our lives, our Union at King County has been working to adapt.
In these uneasy times, if you find yourself in a stressful or physically threatening situation, or need to talk to someone, please consider using these 24/7 hotlines. If you are...Read More
The King County Coalition of Unions has been actively negotiating over additional protections for represented members during the unprecedented pandemic caused by COVID-19.
Jeff Schellhase has never been busier. He's been busting his tail, 11-12 hours a day, on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis.
This March, we will begin contract negotiations over a new collective bargaining agreement for all Teamsters at King County.
As we head into the holiday season, we wanted to provide a few updates for Teamsters who work at King County:
The face of the domestic violence advocacy program in King County is one of deep compassion.
Liz Evans and Kerwin Pyle came together from administrative and recycle department at King County to speak to Teamsters about the strength of solidarity.
Teamsters at King County will see an extra chunk of money in their paychecks this month. The money comes as a result of months of hard work by members and staff who have been part of our King County Coalition of Unions.