After months of struggle, Teamsters who work at Industrial Container Services (ICS) have achieved a monumental win. Yesterday the group voted overwhelmingly to ratify a new three-year contract.
Community support has been overwhelming for Teamsters at Industrial Container Services (ICS) who are fighting for a fair contract.
Community pressure on Industrial Container Services (ICS) continues to intensify.
Seattle city councilmember Lorena Gonzalez led a delegation of our members yesterday to confront management at Industrial Container Services (ICS) over alleged violations of federal law and proposals to slash health care.
The message was loud and clear, scrawled on the dust masks our members at Industrial Container Services (ICS) wear as they sanitize and refurbish steel barrels for reuse: Don't make me sick, ICS.
Teamsters at Industrial Container Services (ICS) are not backing down. After months of being bullied by their employer in contract negotiations, the group is fighting back.