We have received a lot of questions and concerns about how the pandemic might impact your previously negotiated general wage increase.
Last Friday, members of our Union joined 60,000 others in a peaceful, silent march to protest the murder of George Floyd and to engage in the urgent and longstanding efforts against racism.
As the coronavirus crisis has touched all of our lives, our Union at King County has been working to adapt.
The murder of our brother George Floyd saddens us deeply as it marks yet another case of an unjust killing of an unarmed black man.
With so much turmoil facing our communities, we also wanted to highlight inspirational stories of members and their families within our Union.
Our Union Bargaining Committee headed into contract negotiations with the State this week over our 2021-2023 DOC collective bargaining agreement for Teamsters at the DOC.
Be on the lookout! We've heard from lots of members that they've fallen victim to unemployment fraud. If you suspect that someone has used your information to apply with the...Read More
Michelle Woodrow, President and Executive Director of Teamsters 117, issued the following statement regarding the COVID-19 related death of Officer Berisford Morse of the Monroe Correctional Complex (MCC): “We are...Read More
As COVID-19 is changing the way we lead our lives, we need more than ever to stand together for safety at work and fair pay.