Teamsters at the Department of Corrections risk their lives every day to perform essential, challenging, and extremely stressful work that helps keep our communities safe.

Finding ways to cope with workplace stress is important for all working people; it is especially so for the brave men and women at the DOC.

The American Jail Association has a useful article that suggests some ways correctional employees can combat stress.  

Here is an excerpt:  

"Uncontrolled stress can adversely affect corrections personnel and their professional lives. From a professional perspective, stress may result in a corrections officer’s inability to cope with the demands of the job (Edwards, 1996). Resultant feelings include cynicism, detachment, and ineffectiveness in the performance of job functions (Cullen, Link, Wolf, & Frank, 1985). An officer’s failure to perform the required responsibilities within a correctional institution can create an unsafe environment, which then serves to perpetuate stress." Read more