Solidarity with our brothers and sisters on strike at US Foods in Phoenix! The news came in from the IBT today:

US Foods Forces Phoenix Teamsters to Launch Unfair Labor Practice Strike

Teamsters Local 104 members with US Foods took up unfair labor practice pickets today, charging the nation’s second-largest foodservice provider with bargaining in bad faith and discriminating against its union workforce as they attempt to negotiate a new collective bargaining agreement.

More than 200 Phoenix warehouse workers, drivers and mechanics have been working without a contract for months as they attempt to bargain a fair contract that provides affordable health care and fundamental job protections. US Foods is under investigation for violations of federal labor law including disciplining workers for union activity, refusing to hire workers for their union affiliation, and denying workers access to their representatives, among others.

“US Foods’ disrespect for its workers who provide a vital service throughout this state is unacceptable,” said Andy Marshall, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 104. “After 18 bargaining sessions, it appears this company is unwilling to reach an agreement that would restore labor peace and service to its loyal customers.

“The work these men and women do touches virtually every Arizona family—making sure schools are able to serve breakfast and lunch each day; that hospital patients receive meals while they recover; and that restaurants are stocked and thriving,” Marshall said. “It’s time for US Foods to get serious about an agreement that protects these hardworking men and women and the customers they serve.”