Tell Tacoma City Council what it takes to make ends meet.  You can use the sample email below as a template.

Dear Mayor Strickland and Councilmembers Ibsen, Thoms, Walker, Campbell, Lonergan, Woodards, Boe and Mello,

I am writing today in support of the Majority Proposal from the Minimum Wage Task Force, which raises the minimum wage to $15, phasing it in faster for large corporations and businesses.

Increasing the minimum wage to $15 and doing so as fast as possible is critical because it is difficult for Tacoma workers and residents to make ends meet with the current $9.47 minimum wage.

For instance, I make $XX.XX per hour and my typical monthly costs include:

  • Rent: $ XX.XX
  • Groceries: $ XX.XX
  • Utilities: $ XX.XX
  • Transportation/car payment: $ XX.XX
  • Childcare: $ XX.XX
  • Tuition/student loans: $ XX.XX

As you can see, it is extremely difficult to simply get by at my current wage. I am excited to see our city tackle such an urgent issue and I urge you to support a strong minimum wage that will help all workers.
